Friday, October 1, 2010

My MANY failed attempts!!

I've been watching a korean drama series called Kim Tak Goo, it's about bakery and it makes you feel like buying buns and actually making u wanna try making buns also! ehehe.
Since I'm too lazy to go out and buy buns, I decided to make Roti Canai. First attempt failed as the dough was still sticky eventhough i rested it overnight haha.

Second attempt was better but it was still a bit sticky and I couldn't form the dough into small balls. However I decided to give it a try and fry the roti. Shape wise was ugly but the taste i tell you sedap! haha
I didn't take any pictures since it wasn't pretty ;p

Then I tried making Caramel Pudding, a simple recipe but yet I failed! ;(
My pudding didn't set so it was watery, but the taste is yummy. I used the wrong tray hehe.

So today's challenge is to make Pengat Pisang. Hopefully it will turn out fine, fingers crossed!!!


  1. d, i love pengat pisang. ive tried it once, tp failed, pastue terus malas nk try... tak sesedap my mom nyer pengat pisang...

  2. alaa beli je la kat kl tu fyza, tak yah susah2 buat pun. mak u buat apa yg tak sedap? ehehhee
