Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sizzling Mee

How I wish I can just get this from any food court in Malaysia!!aigoooo...
I tried making this since my husband wanted it. It's easy! I don't have a hot plate for the noodle to sizzle though hehe.

Here is the recipe.

Bahasa Melayu

Bahan-bahan ( 2-3 org makan )
2-3 sanggul (gulung) yee mee
5 ulas bawang putih
5 biji cendawan shitake ( cendawan kering)- rendam sehingga agak lembut dan potong 4
1 keping dada ayam- potong mengikut citarasa
3 biji cili kering- potong 2
2 sudu besar sos tiram
3 sudu besar kicap cair
1 sudu besar kicap pekat
1/2 in halia- hiris nipis
Serbuk lada hitam
garam- secukup rasa
Beberapa titik Minyak bijan
1 sudu besar Tepung jagung- dibancuh dgn sedikit air
sedikit minyak utk menumis

1. Tumis bawang putih, cili kering dan halia sehingga naik baunya.
2. Masukkan ayam yg telah potong sehingga agak empuk.
3. Masukkan 2 cawan air.
4. Masukkan pula sos tiram, kicap cair dan kicap pekat. Masukkan pula serbuk lada hitam. Biarkan mendidih.
5. masukkan cendawan serta sayur2 lain- tunggu 2-3 min.
6. Masukkan campuran tepung jagung dan kacau.
7. Titikkan minyak bijan beberapa titik-jgn banyak2...
8. Akhir sekali, masukkan yee mee- biarkan sebentar & hidangkan panas2.


-150g egg noodles (yee foo mein)

Sauce ingredients:
-150g boneless chicken meat
-3 small whole Chinese black mushrooms, soaked
-25g carrots, cut into flowers and parboiled
-1 tbsp ginger juice

-1 tbsp oyster sauce
-1 tsp light soya sauce
-1 tsp sesame oil
-Salt to taste
-1/4 tsp sugar
-Dash of pepper
-1 tsp corn flour
-1/2 tsp chicken stock granules
-1 cup water or stock

1. Preparation of noodle:Scald noodles in boiling water to soften. Remove and put noodles in a colander and run tap water through it. Arrange noodles on a plate. Add 1/2 tbsp oil and 1/2 tsp sesame oil — mix thoroughly and leave aside.

2. For the gravy: Heat 2 tbsp oil, add ginger juice and mushrooms and chicken; stir-fry well. Add seasoning and stock. Bring to a boil and simmer for five to 10 minutes. Add carrots and thickening.

3. Heat a hot plate over medium heat until really hot. Bring away from heat and place on a wooden base. Place ready-cooked noodles on hot plate and pour sauce over immediately. Noodles and sauce will start sizzling. Serve immediately with sliced red chillies and cilipadi.

Credit to this website :

Here are some pictures:


  1. you made this?? 정말? looks delicious~

  2. ye la i buat, tapi i buat portion besar so takde la sauce sgt. aigoo i miss jusco food court..
